Company FAQ
How long will the funding process take?
It typically takes us 8 weeks from the time of your application submission to final approval and the actual funding date. Once approved, you should expect to receive your funds within 2 weeks.
What information will I be required to provide during the evaluation process?
Our Due Diligence Manger will analyze the business information and funding request from your application and prepare the funding report that goes to our Evaluation Committee. Our company reserves the right to request any additional supporting documentation on the evaluation stage.
How does your company determine whether my business is eligible to be funded?
Zumtech Global Limited looks for businesses that have a unique idea or a new spin on an old technology. We review the team, traction, market size and other factors to determine if the company will be a good fit for our company. Additionally, we believe in accountability to the business (or concept), which is one reason we seek to identify firms whose founders already have invested their own capital in their business.
If approved, when my business receives funding?
Typically 14 days after the application is finally approved are required to disburse funds.
Will my company incur any ongoing reporting requirements?
You will be required to provide us with a weekly update regarding the project implementation.
How do I request additional funding for my business if needed?
Additional funding can be obtained on case-by-case basis. Our company reserves the right to request any supporting documentation in order to decide whether additional funds can be disbursed.
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